Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My First Chilean Tremor

Hola todos,

This morning at around 7AM, I experienced my first tremor in Chile. Shockingly, it woke me up. (I am a very deep sleeper.) I woke up and sat up, and my bed was shaking side to side. Not drastically, but it was still noticeable. Of course, in my tired state, I thought to myself, "oh great. This is the introduction to a ridiculous earthquake. Great." But, it was just a few seconds of the movement then nothing else. Apparently there are a handful of tremors each year.
When my mom came to Chile with me, she thought there was a tremor about every 5 minutes. As in, a truck went by and shook the ground, "I think I just felt a tremor" type thing. To this I said, "Ok, there are a handful of tremors each year, and they all occurred in the past week? Somehow doubtful."
For this reason, when I felt the tremor I laughed to myself and wished she had been here to actually experience a Chilean tremor. I'm not sure if it's any different from an American tremor. But it's still interesting to have felt one.

1 comment:

  1. They were tremors! Just because you didn't feel them, nor anyone else, and just because a truck happened to pass by at the same moment does not mean they weren't tremors. :)
    I hope this first is also your last. I don't think earthquakes are much fun.
