Friday, July 5, 2013

Independence Day

Hola todos,

As most of you know, yesterday was the US's Independence Day. Being in another country, this day was no different than any other. So, I celebrated the US's Independence Day by lying on the couch being sick, and writing a 10-page paper about the Mapuche who are the indigenous people of Chile.
Of course, multiple people had invited me to Independence Day parties, but while all the Americans were celebrating the USA (in and out of the country), I was writing about the culture of a tribe in a country in another hemisphere. Quite a way to celebrate your homeland's Independence Day, right?
But, all that aside, I skyped with my mom later that evening and I watched the fireworks with her... through her iPhone. It was really nice to see the fireworks in a sailboat on the water. Ah, the power of technology. It was dusky when we had started talking at around 8:00, and mind you the sun had set here at 5:45. So, while it is completely dark here and cold, my homeland was celebrating fireworks in the warm weather.
Either way, I think my paper turned out shockingly well. It's funny because, as I mentioned, I have a cold right now (hopefully it will be gone by Monday when I go to Argentina), and optimistically, I figured, well because I can't do anything else, I guess I'll write my paper.
Strange Independence Day celebration, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. It was awesome to watch fireworks with you!
