Monday, April 22, 2013

I Am Not Marrying An American, Canadian Nor Australian

Hola todos,

It has been a while since I have last written, but I have been busy.

I have decided that I will be marrying someone most likely from Europe. I don't know anything about Asia nor Africa, and the men are too short here in South America. And this is why:
This weekend I went to Mendoza, Argentina! (I will write a new entry about that adventure.) Since I am American, I had to pay US$160 to get into Argentina! Therefore, at 3:00AM (I took a night bus), I had to not only go through Argentinian customs, but also had to go pay $160 to be in Argentina for not even 3 days.
I knew this of course because I looked it up online, and not only do Americans have to pay, but Canadians and Australians need to pay as well. Apparently this is because us Americans (Canadians and Australians) charge people from other countries $160 to enter the U.S. Therefore, these countries are giving us Americans (and Canadians and Australians) a taste of our own medicine. Though I understand this, I personally have no say in this matter with the U.S. and therefore I should not have to pay. But, obviously that is a completely irrational argument and if I went on a rant about that, I would probably never see Argentina. So, I kept my mouth shut and dealt with the burden of American politics.
I will be marrying someone from Europe because I can then become a citizen/ resident and get a new passport. Then, I will not be associated with America, Canada, nor Australia when I travel to other countries. I plan to travel a lot, do you know how much money I would save marrying a European?!
And you're thinking, Wow all of that really stinks. But even worse, I plan on traveling to Brazil, and there, you need to get a special tourist visa! Therefore, not only do Americans, Canadians, and Australians have to pay $160, we also have to go through a huge hassle to get a visa, even if we were going for a day.
So, sorry American, Canadian and Australian guys, I am not interested!

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