Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Taste of New York

Hola todos,

The food here is quite different than the food in NYC, obviously. For example, they don't have bagels, nor good pizza, nor Black and White cookies. However, they do have a taste of NYC (pun intended). Since I have been here, I see Nuts4Nuts carts everywhere (nuts with a caramelized shell). It's very weird to be walking down a street in Santiago and smell nuts being caramelized, considering these stands are associated with NYC to me. They also sell hotdogs on the street corners. However, they are not the typical hotdog in NYC (hotdog in bun with mustard and/or ketchup.) They are actually called completos, which is a hotdog in a bun covered in a layer of tomatoes, covered in guacamole, covered in mayo, with ketchup and/or mustard. Though they seem overwhelming, they are pretty good. I have only had one, but they are a huge thing here.
Who would've thought I'd find a little taste of NYC here in Santiago?

This is a completo!


  1. Wow! That hot dog sounds very interesting! I'd be glad to smell the nuts!
    Love, AH

  2. Yumm! Delicious. I like anything with avocado.

  3. Anna, tu escritura es muy buena! Me gusta mucho. Estudio Espanol con los grabaciones del Pimsleur Method en mi coche cada dia. Y miro las telenovelas en la television. Tu tienes razon - son malos! A algunas veces, canto con la radio Hispana.

    I was interested to read about your 5-page paper. I agree that it would take a long time to express complex thoughts in another language! Are the strikes still on?

    I'm so glad you took the 10-mile walk! It must be lovely! We have had good weather here, too, and were glad not to get the tornadoes that they got in Oklahoma. (Why are there not storm cellars underneath every single building there???)

    Tomorrow I ride the train to Utica, go "home" to see Mom and my older brother, and then he & I take a bus trip to Fenway in Boston to see the Red Sox play! Man, will I be tired of riding by then!

    I'm so glad your trips are of different kinds! What an excellent blog! You can really write! All the best - Amy W. in Cleveland

  4. Hi Anna.Get a load of Amy Espanol!
    I'm going to write my bro-in law about you visiting Montevideo, or "Monty" as my uncle used to call it. Andres has a daughter maybe 20 who might be able to give advice too.
    Keep having fun!
