Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Google, You Failed Me

Hola todos,

Generally I love Google, and I don't know if I could live without it. However, this previous Sunday, after getting back from Maipo, I decided to Google an artisanal market near the area; it was a beautiful day. I clicked the first link and found a market called Aldea de Vitacura. I caught a bus and went on my merry way. I of course missed the stop, (only by one stop), so I got off and started walking back. I didn't see a market so I asked a few people. Of course none of them knew; I was on the right street I just didn't see it anywhere. I finally asked this couple and they said, oh the Aldea de Vitacura market? That was right there (pointed at a corner), but then they make it into a building... 6 years ago.... Really Google?
Since I had no market to go to, and couldn't falsely Google another market to go to, I decided to just start walking down Vitacura. Well, I just walked, and walked and walked, because it was a beautiful day. Eventually, I figured, I may as well just walk home. I got to my neighborhood, got something to eat, and then returned back to my house. In total, that entire trip was a 10 mile walk. Instead of going to buy some Chilean items, I walked my heart out and got to know the area of that city.
Google you failed me, but it all worked out in the end.

These are some of the things I saw along the way.
 Chile is definitely behind the times! Blockbuster went out of business years ago!
 A street covered in autumn leaves
 A sculpture at a park
An art exhibit in a plaza

1 comment:

  1. I think Blockbuster is still in business in some places..

    Forgot it is fall there!

