Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Argentine Fever

Hola todos,

As I have mentioned, Argentina was absolutely wonderful and I didn't want to leave. However, I have realized that yes, I could completely live in Argentina forever, but, I do not regret Chile in any way. For that reason, I have diagnosed myself with Argentine Fever. Being there for such a short time, a person only sees a part of it, and mostly the things that are most appealing. I mean, it's vacation and who doesn't love vacation? Therefore, at times there were moments when I thought to myself... Why in the world did I choose Chile? But, reflecting back on it, that was my Argentine fever speaking and not me.
Chile is wonderful and there are aspects of it that Argentina completely lacks. For that reason, I want everyone to know that although I did love Argentina and could have had a wonderful time living there for five months, I do not at all wish I had chosen Argentina over Chile, and am in fact happy that I did choose Chile. (Although, men are more attractive in Argentina, and the food is better... But, hey who needs boys and food makes you fat!)

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