Thursday, June 20, 2013

PDA (Public Display of Affection)

Hola todos,

As I am in the last few weeks of my stay in Santiago, I have come to realize something that really bugs me about it here. Mind you, this has bugged me since I first stepped on Chilean soil, but now I'm just done with seeing it. What is this disgust geared towards, you ask? PDA.
Ugh, it is terrible here. As much as I hate to share this will all of you, it is a part of Chilean culture so if I were not to, I would only be withholding information from all my readers. If any of you Americans think you understand how PDA can be repulsive, you don't even want to imagine Chile.
I personally am not into PDA (if you couldn't tell). I understand and am tolerant with a quick peck on the cheek or even lips, hugs are fine, and holding hands is absolutely acceptable. But, absolutely nothing more. Chileans here will make-out anywhere. I mean anywhere. For example, on several occasions, I have been on the metro and there is a couple making-out as if they're in their own private area. A few times, I actually turned the other way, because it just disgusted me too much. In the metro!! Where it's dirty, and there are people all around you! Another huge place of make-out sessions, is the park. And of all the places, I understand the park. But, it is still no excuse. As much as it's a park and can be romantic, it's still a public area.
Yesterday, I was in the library. Yes, you read correctly, the library, and this couple just started making-out at the table. Their friends were sitting across from them, and then he leaned her head down and started kissing her as if they were never going to see each other ever again. Naturally at a moment like this, I cannot hide my disgust, so I just looked for a second and turned away as if I had just seen... I don't even know. Then, yesterday evening, my friend from Valdivia was in Santiago so we went out to dinner. While there, an older couple in their 50s were holding each other close to the other, and doing what seemed like, licking each others faces, even though they had food right in front of them.
The younger couples (in their teens), is slightly understandable. They don't know anything. But 50 year olds?! They're married! They have a house to go back to! Why do they feel the need to make-out in not only a public area, but a restaurant where people are eating?! Terrible.
I hope I have made you understand the repulsion of this, and I'm sorry I had to tell you this, but... it is a huge part of Chilean culture.
Rethinking visiting Chile?