Sunday, June 30, 2013


Hola todos,

As of now, I have pretty much completely organized my travels for after school etc. ends. I will be traveling with a boy from a different program, CIEE, named Jason. He goes to school in Boulder, Colorado and is from there. We met through a mutual friend a few months ago. He is very nice and will definitely be fun to travel with. We're similar and both easy-going so we won't be wanting to kill each other.
Here's the itinerary:
July 5th:I finish all my work for classes and the program.
July 8th: We go to Buenos Aires via airplane. We will be there for one day to see the city a little and make an plans we may need to make in advance.
July 10th: We go to Iguazu via airplane. We will be there until the 16th, therefore have 5 solid days to explore. Because it is on the border of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay, we may go to Asuncion, Paruguay for a day since it's close.
July 16th: We return to Buenos Aires. We will spend most of time there in Buenos Aires and maybe spend a few days in Uruguay. Jason's flight back to the U.S. is the 25th, and therefore our current flight return to Santiago from Buenos Aires is July 23rd. However, I will be staying longer. With this extra time, I will go to Uruguay if we don't go before the 23rd, and will either go to Mar del Plata or Rosario. Mar del Plata is south-east of Buenos Aires (about 5 hour bus ride) on the Atlantic coast, full of beach. It is apparently pretty touristy, but because it's off-season it shouldn't be very crowded. Rosario to the north-west of Buenos Aires (about a 4 hour bus ride). It's supposed to be pretty. It's obviously not as big as Buenos Aires, but it seems like there is a lot to do.
Augutst 1st: I take the plane back to Santiago. I will spend a few days there.
August3rd: Plane ride to Easter Island! It's not too big, but it will be nice and warm so I will be there until the 9th.
August 9th: I return to Santiago in the evening. I have the 10th and 11th to do any last things I want to do in Santiago.
August 12th: My flight back to the U.S.

1 comment:

  1. Looks pretty ambitious! I want to go to Easter Island with you. UB and I saw a guy the other day that we thought the statues at Easter Island looked like. He may be a descendant...
    Have fun and be careful!
